Ok, I know it’s been about a million years since I’ve written an entry… oops. Time flies when you’re having fun, right?
So stick with me, this might be a long entry.
But before I start the recap, just a little side note. It's pretty funny being in Mexico right now during Spring Break in the U.S. I don't really get a spring break in the US sense of the word. We have a week long break for Easter, Semana Santa, when pretty much the entire country goes on trips or does fun stuff... but it's a lot less party and more about family time for the most part.
So whilst I await my break, all my US college brethren are making their way down here for the Spring Break season. I have a few friends here from Cancun and it's pretty interesting talking to them about the Gringos they meet every year around this time. It's also pretty difficult to convince them that not all people from the US are like that, least of all me!
But anyways, on to my life. A few weeks ago, some friends and I headed to the south of the city for a fun afternoon in Xochimilco to hang out in the pre-Colombian canals and floating gardens. It’s a super cool place, frequented by locals and tourists alike and it’s a really fun place to hang out for a day.

You call your boat, "trajinera," by it's name... there were no Paiges :(

People ride around on boats selling everything from rugs to tacos

You can even hire mariachis to sing and dance for your trajinera

We had a national holiday last weekend, leaving us with a three day weekend, so we decided to take a trip up north to San Luis Potosí. It didn't end up going exactly as planned, which reminded me that there's occasional drama in every country, regardless of whether your friends are all from Texas or if they're from Mexico, France, Holland, Pluto, etc...
But we ended up spending some time in San Luis Potosí and in Queretaro, which you might remember I visited a few weeks ago. Both are cool colonial towns with really pretty architecture. Queretaro is becoming one of my favorite cities, with fun stuff to do and streets full of families enjoying the day.

Mexican Mask Museum in San Luis Potosí

Beautiful colonial building that now houses and art museum in Queretaro. The art was cool but the building was cooler. Also, there was a string trio playing the whole time we were there. Soooooper cool.

One of the churches in Queretaro... there are churches like this in every old colonial town... sometimes three or four.
During the weeks I try to get around to different parts of the city. There are so many cool places and tons of temporary exhibits or events on every corner it seems.
Last week I visited Castillo Chapultepec, a “castle” that used to house Mexican presidents (and emperors) but now houses a giant history museum. Unfortunately we arrived about twenty minutes before it closed so I mostly just have pictures of the outside BUT we definitely have plans to go back.

The castle's on top of a hill so you can see the whole city! And believe me, it goes on forever.

We also visited a really cool public art exhibitions of different takes on benches, installed all along Calle Reforma in the city center.

This one is supposed to be electric chair-esque

Sofas! They really weren't that comfy...

So life is never really dull around here. There’s always something to do (even if it’s taking a nap)… unfortunately this week my something to do is studying for an exam in every one of my classes.
BUT next week is Semana Santa, which will see me heading to the rain forests of Chiapas in Southern Mexico! Whooooo!