Last weekend we visited a butterfly sanctuary in Valle de Bravo, Michoacan, about three hours from the city. Millions upon millions of butterflies take a rest for a couple months every year here on their way south from Canada- it’s absolutely amazing.
Colorado. So pretty!
for a good five minutes before it flew away!
Our guides apologized because apparently this year, due to the unseasonable cold and rain, many of the butterflies had died. Apparently normally you can’t even see the sky there are so many mariposas!
While we were there, we checked out the town of Valle de Bravo nearby. Super cute with a pretty lake in the middle!
Besides that, there’s not a whole lot going on… Just been continuing to explore the city and meet new people. Today some of my friends are playing in a soccer tournament at school so I’ll have to get out my pom-poms…
I’m pretty sure I could get used to this life… Hanging out, seeing cool things, making new friends, eating delicious food… and occasionally doing some homework too. I can’t complain!